
Quietly Growing Impact

It was just over a month ago when South Africa was sent into a lockdown on Friday 27th March 2020.

After some deliberations, students were transported to their homes a few days earlier.  Agracademy team leaders, Abraham Martin and Nancy Tuerlinckx transported the young people to their respective homes, two of whom needed to be taken to two smaller rural towns, Haarlem and Zoar respectively.

Mr Martin and Ms Tuerlinckx remained active in the village of Friemersheim carefully adhering to government regulations that impacted on mobility.

The garden project that was started with the local Friemersheim Pre-School’s garden and the Home-Based-Agri initiative were continued under different conditions given the absence of the students and the ensuing curfews. During those early days, the community of Friemersheim struggled to comply with social-distancing expectations and children were playing and running in the streets adding to an already volatile and irritated environment. A first case of Covid-19 reared its head in the little town but was soon under control.

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