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South Africa present at Seed4Africa EU Project start

Leon October, agriculture specialist traveled from South Africa to participate in the kick of meeting of the Seed4Africa project that is funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ division.

The meetings took place in Foligno, just north of Rome in Italy from 12-15 April and was represented by Mr Leon October and Theophilus Van Rensburg Lindzter for the Learning Academy Worldwide vocational training in agriculture projects. The first for Mr October outside of South Africa, he was already on Day 1 quite pleased at the progress of the process. Mr October aids and supports the project implementation after Learning Academy Worldwide South Africa was included in the consortia who applied for funding of the Seed4Africa project.

The project will support the training of teachers in an international network of vocational training in agriculture providers in three different European countries (Italy, Belgium and Spain) and five Sub-Saharan countries (Niger, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa) with the potential to extend further within other regions and continents.

One of the main tasks over the next few months would be for the procurement of associate partners that will strengthen the potential scope of the project.


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