Leadership Reporting Rural Gems Training

A Grand Start for a Different Kind of Vocational Training

19 February, 2021  Tania Phillips, HAARLEM, South Africa

Earlier this week we started an orientation program here in Haarlem, Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA.

Our teacher, Mr Willem October, officially opened the first day on this incredible journey. In this part of the world is is not surprising that an introduction to anything in life starts with a reflection from the Bible. Mr October cited and read a reference from the book of Hebrews 12:2-3. This was followed by one of the students’, Elvinia Claasen, prayer. 

During the first class, students were alerted to the need for understanding elements in the questionnaire that would be used as part of the research module targeting small-scale- and commercial farmers in the region. Mr October explained that understanding is important if students were going to learn the most from the research project. He explained that it was not simply a matter of asking a set of questions. A full comprehension of the terms and their meanings is vital to real learning. Students’ high interaction levels showed spontaneity, vibrance and a responsive set of replies during the sessions.

This part of the program will continue for five months, where at different times, students will also be sensitised to specifically think of their own entrepreneurship ambitions and to improve their knowledge of business development plans, business management in order to be ready to start a fully accredited qualification in New Venture Creation later this year.

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