We’ve been greatly encouraged by the recent publication of the 50 Career Opportunities document that brilliantly provides insights on the immensely exciting career opportunities...
Our students experience an earning and learning environment as they participate in the Plant Production module of their training in the Southern Cape in...
Brussels, BELGIUM, 29 September 2020 – Story: Theophilus van Rensburg Lindzter, Translation from Tswana by Olebogeng Bengo Agracademy’s partnership with Frankfurt International School expanded...
The quality of the AgrAcademy’s Vocational Training in Agriculture intervention received a phenomenal boost as a result of the visit to South Africa by...
The Seed4Africa project team in South Africa extended their reach in pursuit of establishing partnerships for the implementation of the EU-funded project. Because the...
Mr Leon October, Agriculture specialist and project guide for the Seed4Africa project funded by the European Union has over the last weeks connected with...
Learning Academy Worldwide’s outreach plan to expand the associate partnership goal was met with a positive reply from the Nelson Mandela University, George Campus...
Leon October, agriculture specialist traveled from South Africa to participate in the kick of meeting of the Seed4Africa project that is funded by the...