As a direct result of a collaborative between Learning Academy Worldwide and Blue Delite Nursery, five (5) young women from the Southern Cape region in South Africa, currently participate in a unique Vocational Training in Agriculture experience.
Agri-business opportunities are powerful levers for change, social upliftment, eradication of poverty and meaningful employment and this unique approach is a key driver toward achieving those aspirations.
Learning Academy Worldwide and Blue Delite Nursery jointly fund the young women’s learning-and-earning experiences, including payment allocations toward their unemployment insurance fund contributions and retirement annuities.
Bluedelite Nursery assigned a staff member, knowledgeable of Horticulture, to regularly provide knowledge and skills to the young women as part of the work day. Recordings of those learning moments are edited, subtitled and integrated into the reflection and reviewing activities guided and managed by Learning Academy Worldwide.
It is abundantly clear that Mekeala Michaels, Mariana Moolman, Josephine September, Geraldine De Bruyn and Jolene Samuels have all been enjoying this unique experience since their commencement on 15th February this year.
This part of the program will continue for five months, where at different times, they will also be sensitised to specifically think of their own entrepreneurship ambitions and to improve their knowledge of business development plans, business management in order to be ready to start a fully accredited qualification in New Venture Creation later this year.
Furthermore, since they are part of a bigger cohort of young people in the same program, they will share their knowledge and skills with the other participants in the nearby rural town of Haarlem. This learning component is a deliberate learning design strategy that seeks to leverage peer learning for the benefit of strengthening knowledge acquisition and skills development. It also elevates personal confidence and human dignity.